
Security • Preservation • Tradition

Preserving the Past, Building for the Future

Whether disaster restoration or historic restoration you have to start with pro’s who know and understand building science and the construction process from today to over 100 years past. More difficult than starting from scratch is the restoration process as it generally requires deconstructing and analyzing properties prior to seeing any forward progress. PERC Development knows these projects require a specialty skillset and quality craftsmen to duplicate or replicate construction methods and architecture from a time past.

We bring over 100 years combined experience to every project and have a strong passion for restoring what was, back to new. It takes highly skilled and driven professionals to come into storm ravaged areas and pick up the pieces. We know and understand the process and work in a streamlined manner to get your property back to its fully restored and shining pre-restoration state.

Historic Restoration

When you think of restoration, you may not think about how housing and architecture have evolved over the course of history. It’s easy to overlook the fact that any significant house in your neighborhood or office in your business district was built at a time where technology and materials were completely different than they are today.

When you have your house or business renovated or restored, it’s easy to modernize the property too much and lose some of its original charm. PERC Development is an experienced historic restoration construction management company that can help you strike a balance between now and then so that your historic renovation meets today’s standards, but is still respectful to the history of your home or office.

Natural Disasters

No one can predict when a major natural disaster will occur, and because of this, our community becomes overwhelmed by the damage that follows Hurricanes, Floods, Tornados and now Ice Storms. These events are heartbreaking, but we’re a strong community and together we push through all of these hardships.

The integrity of your commercial business or residential home is affected by the wind, debris and water damage that follows these natural disasters. This may cause your home to be unlivable and your business to be inoperable. Failing to act swiftly can lead to costly, not to mention, dangerous circumstances: weakened structure, mold / moisture formation, etc. 

PERC Development offers natural disaster restoration services that can shed light upon and have a positive impact on the lives of our friends and neighbors in our surrounding communities.

PERC Development Commercial Contractor Lake Charles LA

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